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TAROT SCOPE with Amanda Capobianco and Jeph Norman Fox

Tarot and astrology are two magical tools for gaining insight into our lives.  The tarot with its yin qualities (fluid, intuitive, conceptual), and astrology with its yang qualities (structured, analytical, scientific), make for a powerful pairing.  Their combination can help us dive even deeper into understanding our place in the world.  

In context of history, astrology plays a major role in the interpretation of tarot cards, deriving from the Golden Dawn tradition.  The order of the major arcana cards and the symbols all point directly towards astrological significance.  However, the application of tarot in the interpretation of astrological charts, is far less researched, understood, and incorporated.

Tarot Scope is interested in just that.  What happens when you use the images and symbols in the tarot to further understand, visualize, and embody your natal chart?  In this three-part workshop series, you will learn a brief history of the relationship between Tarot and Astrology, be led through guided meditations, engage in discussion, and zoom in on your natal chart through the lens of the tarot.  With the guidance of Jeph Norman Fox, tarot reader and founder of the Brooklyn Fools, and Amanda Capobianco, yogi astrologist and founder of Brooklyn Light, you will walk away with a better understanding of tarot, astrology, and yourself.

In this three hour immersion we will journey though the 12 astrological houses exploring our Sun, Moon and Ascendant/Rising Signs. Through an in-depth exploration, meditation and discussion you will leave this workshop with a greater understanding of Astrology, your own star chart and the wisdom of the Tarot. 

**It is highly recommended you have a tarot deck of your own, but not required.  Recommended decks to work with: Rider-Waite, Thoth, Golden Dawn, and BOTA.

**Natal Charts can be downloaded for free at



Jeph is a Brooklyn-based tarot reader, yoga teacher, and Chakra Therapy practitioner.  He completed his Chakra Therapy training and Psychology of the Chakras intensive with teacher and mentor Anodea Judith, author of The Wheels of Life and Eastern Body, Western Mind.  

Jeph's tarot readings weave together his knowledge of the energetic body and yoga philosophy to awaken deeply held thoughts and emotions, samskaras, from the depths of the subconscious.  He works to create a dialogue with the querent, using the tarot as a tool to bring clarity and insight, allowing one to recognize the magic that lives within.

Jeph is also the founder of Chakra Shots,  a ritualist restorative yoga and juice workshop; and City Wolf, a dog walking, pet sitting, animal reiki, and pet memorial service. Visit Jeph at

Amanda Capobianco

Amanda Capobianco comes to the Sacred Arts Research Foundation as a steward of the sacred. With a background in theatre, music and writing she has experienced first hand the dire importance of accessible arts programing for the continued health of any community. As Lyndon Johnson wrote when signing into existence the National Endowment on the Arts, “Art is a nation’s most precious heritage. For it is in our works of art that we reveal to ourselves and to others the inner vision which guides us as a nation. And where there is no vision, the people perish.”

Amanda holds knowledge as a healer, community leader and visionary along the path of the awakened. She currently extends these gifts in service to the preservation and expansion of sacred arts programing, community health and global harmony.

Amanda has taught yoga and sacred mantra immersions for over a decade. She is a drummer, a singer, an energy healer, a reverend and a writer. She has traveled with her work to India, Indonesia, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico and California. She is currently a board member for The Sacred Arts Research Foundation, The Yoga Director for Golden Drum's Yoga for the Aquarian Age and Founder of health and healing concierge service Brooklyn Light.

Amanda is a dedicated student of Maestro Manuel Rufino for which she owes eternal gratitude for the peace, knowledge and beauty she now carries within her heart and mind.